Up and down and up and down again.
Welcome to a new week, folks!
Monday is upon us, so here’s to hoping that the week has good things in store for you and yours.
The Bruins didn’t exactly fill your weekend with tremendous vibes, losing to Ottawa in overtime on Saturday night.
Losing a game in November isn’t really the end of the world, but the manner of the loss (giving up another lead, 0 shots on goal in the entire third period) is likely what’s really irking fans.
I’m not sure if it’s just me, but I can’t remember a start to the season that was this clunky for the Bruins — I remember plenty of bad starts, but this season has been just plain weird.
A solid, cohesive game is followed up by a disaster, then that’s followed by a win, which is followed by an ugly loss…the beat goes on.
The team, players, coaches, etc. deserve time to figure things out after some big personnel changes in the off-season, but it’s almost like the team isn’t even attempting to have an identity at the moment.
Are they a stout defensive team looking to win 2-1? Are they a heavy team who wants to own the ice at 5v5? Are they a team that looks to dominate on special teams?
(Big “no” to that last one.)
As others have mentioned, it’s been a while since the Bruins have faced this kind of adversity this early in the season, so it may just be a bit new to all of us.
This team is a tough watch at the moment, however, so you can’t really blame the average fan for being frustrated.
Today’s discussion topic
Commenter Broadway_Joe_Hulbig had a post in the Ottawa recap about the lackluster atmosphere at TD Garden on Saturday night.
I don’t mean to put any commenter on the spot with this, but I’m curious: if you’ve gone to games in person recently (even dating back to last year), what’s your take on the atmosphere?
On TV, the Garden crowds have seemed subdued to me, but I’ve assumed that might just be TV mic issues.
I haven’t been to a game as a fan in two or three years (kids and all that stuff), but it does seem like the gameday vibe has shifted a bit.
Different clientele? Prices too high? Your take is welcome.
Also, sending a note of gratitude to all veterans of the armed forces, those currently serving, and their families today on Veterans Day.