At long last, the Premiere Women’s Hockey Club in Boston gains a name and a logo.
The PWHL has finally bequeathed names to their franchises beyond their (approximate) location!
The PWHL announced today that the PWHL Boston squad will henceforth be known as the Boston Fleet, who will continue to play in Lowell, and continue wearing Green and Grey, and their logos will look like this.
A closer look at our logo. pic.twitter.com/j8csA57wIm
— Boston Fleet (@PWHL_Boston) September 9, 2024
As for the logo, it’s actually a bit beyond what I expected; I absolutely love the use of an anchor to tie it back to historical teams in the region and the Bay State’s many, many, many nautical pastimes. I appreciate the depth they added with the wave-y lines to keep it distinguished from the most obvious point of comparison, as well as add a little extra aggression from the fishhooks. I also appreciate that they’ve decided to keep their color scheme, which while unusual, is distinct and will help the team keep it’s identity moving forward.
As for the name? Love it. Absolutely love it. ESPECIALLY since it isn’t the Boston Wicked or whatever it was the initial reports for the names were. That was gearing up to be the most difficult day online for their poor social media people if they actually went through with it; the phrase “Wicked” isn’t a noun and we cannot even pretend that would be the case. It would be like a team on the west coast being called the “Hellas” or something.
Oh who am I kidding; they’d probably love that.
Let’s also make it clear, this was not the only bullet the Green and Gray dodged; as leaked information from the PWHL store gives the impression this team was very close to some really dumb names.
Someone at @BauerHockey didn’t realize that their PWHL shop preview pages were public. Gives us an insight into the team name finalists (actual names with asterisk)
Toronto: Torch, Sentinels, Sceptres*, Tempests
Ottawa: Advance, Alert, Charge*, Guard
Montreal: Lumieres, Metro,… pic.twitter.com/d3PkwRafII— Adam Laskaris (@adam_la2karis) September 9, 2024
One unambiguous upgrade however, comes from their merch, which has diversified from Angela Price’s Line Change clothing line; which has been railed against for being both extremely generic and a bit exclusive, for unisex designs that are sourced from a number of different designers, such as Peace Collective, Royalty, Bauer and yes; Line Change, although they’ve definitely stepped up their game.

I need that crewneck or that heavyweight shirt yesterday.
Either way, while I do miss the Pride branding, and let me make it clear; I still very much disagree with the league’s insistence on burying it’s own history, I think I can grow to love this team a little more now that I no longer have to keep finding a way to synonym-ize their previous store-brand sobriquet, and hopefully can find a way to turn the Tsongas Center (or wherever they end up in the next few years) into a home they can truly call their own.
So! Let’s welcome back the Boston Fleet! Who’s schedule will likely be posted very soon!