Sometimes you need to cool down.
It’s nearing the near, if it isn’t 10 years past it, that most Red Sox fans don’t know the name of Israel “Izzy” Alcantara. Alcantara eventually played three very sparing seasons in Major League Baseball, the first of which was with the Red Sox, but he’s best known for his Minor League career. Specifically, one at-bat of his minor league career. More specifically, this one:
For those of you who didn’t or can’t watch the video, here is what happens.
- The ball is thrown inside
- Izzy bends out of the way
- Izzy turns, kicks the catcher in the face before running at the pitcher
- Izzy misses the pitcher with a haymaker
- You can imagine where it goes from there
Izzy needed to cool down. You know how I cool down?
Izzy’s Iced Seltzer w/Lemon
- Plain seltzer of your choosing, provided it’s not LaCroix
- Lemon
- A gargantuan cup
- Loads of ice
Bryan’s Notes
I know I told Izzy to cool off with this, but I love it in the winter, too, when the heat dries out my sinuses and whatnot while I sleep. Wake up and have one of these alongside a black coffee and you’re in dang business!
- Add insane amounts of ice to gargantuan cup
- Split and squeeze the lemons into the cup, but also add them to the cup
- Fill with seltzer and enjoy, preferably while not kicking anyone in the face